Keys for increasing the dimension capacity of the flow of wealth
The card of the BLAGA provides fractal connectivity with system of providing resources of the person, increasing regularity of a stream of the wealths through increase in regularity of interactions over time. It is in addition possible to increase the scale of the relations with time, acquiring cards of bigger scale of the BLAGA – GOLD, SILVER and BRILLIANT.
Besides it is possible to increase degree of fractal connectivity and too to reach an increase in number of the wealths . Degree of fractal connectivity can be increased in the different ways.
For example, increase in fractal connectivity is provided through the procedure of acquisition of KEYS of increase in regularity of a stream of the wealths. Keys are got from representatives of developer – VSI BLAGA (Lithuania).
The dynamics of increasing the flow of wealth
In the diagram there is possible dynamics. Vertically there are units of the card cost. But if the general tendency is towards lowering the income, then all the dynamics may appear damper of this recession. Buying the keys for increasing the dimension capacity of the wealth flow, the user of this system gets the chance of increasing the general dynamics. It should be remembered that we speak about the wealth flow – not about the cash flow. Both the flows may correlate with each other, but also may not – if there appears the chance to use the wealth omitting the money stage. And of course different scales of activity mean various scales of dimension capacity of the wealth flow and investments in the support of the structure. The cards “Translighter-Blaga gold” and “Translighter-Blaga brilliant” differ from the “Translighter-Blaga” in the scale of dimension capacity of the wealth flow (growth of dimension of time).
Elimination of limitations does not mean that the man will use the chance.. If the door was locked and then opened, it depends only on the man if he enters it. New relations may appear but using them is fully connected with the activity of the person.
It is necessary to take into account that time is needed for representation of new possibilities. This time is different with different people: new ideas may appear in several days for some people, this period being longer for others. So, the man buys the keys when he can see the effect of using the “Translighter-Blaga”.
The “Translighter-Blaga” is a graphic configuration (stylization) of the temporal-spatial model for providing the life matter. In the particular case it is financial guarantee (overconcentrated energy of life). Temporal tracks of movement of energy flows pass over into spatially evolving structures of material wealth. The energy of desire is being turned along the light pattern of the temporal model of developing memory of the future, forming the system of light-accumulation of life resources. Spatial-temporal configuration of material well-being initiates the plan of events representing life competency.
The “Translighter-Blaga” is a spatial-temporal former of matter, transferring it from mental, pre-mental, casual, fantasy world into the Real world. By its structure it is an intensifier, going through which “the thought acquires density” and becomes a concrete material object.
Transformation or transmutation may be spasmodic (by leaps) as well as gradual.
The protecting system of filters is inserted in its structure, which prevents negative thoughts or destructive ideas from going through the intensifier.
In the structure of the “Translighter-Blaga” the fractal principle of organization of temporal and financial flows is realized. For its complete realization in a particular man two conditions are necessary:
- The man should have the activated card
- The support of fractal connectivity of the business of a concrete person and the structure of the “Translighter-Blaga”. The support of fractal connectivity is provided through the procedure of acquiring the card – keys for increasing the dimension capacity of the flow of wealth. The keys may be bought at the representatives of the developers (the VSI BLAGA Lithuania).The client gets confirmation of activating the card - keys (by e-mail (Text: Please activate key number ... the card number ...). After receiving the reply letter about the activation key should be attached to a key card for 4 hours. Thereafter, the key can be removed from the card. You do not have to wear it with the card.
- We recommend to activate the keys every 2 months. To get the keys to the cards on our website
Key for Translighter BLAGA GOLD
- Availability: In Stock